2 little slash marks.
I’ve started marking them on my wrist each morning.
It’s a reminder for me when I see it to stop, find my pulse and pause.
Pause and feel my heart beating.
Your heart started beating 16 days after you were conceived.
That’s long before you ever thought your first thought.
Months before you took your first breath.
That beating heart tells you, you have value.
You have value because you are alive.
Not because you’ve crossed enough things off of a never-ending to-do list.
Not because you are able to generate a certain dollar value.
Not because you have created anything.
Not because you’ve been to the right places or wear the right labels.
Not because you are strong, or beautiful, or kind, or giving or any other thing.
Just because.
Because you are a creation.
A living being.
Pause. Find your pulse.
Slow down enough to feel it.
Take a breath
Remind yourself you have value.
You just do.
Do you need help pausing? Join our free 30-day Self-Care Challenge and explore 30 fast ways you can pause in your day.